

Quickly navigate to specific hooks:

Explore the diverse set of hooks provided by Hooks Boost, each designed to streamline and enhance various aspects of your React application development.

1. useBatteryState

  • Description: Monitor and access battery-related information in your React application effortlessly.

2. useDebounce

  • Description: Implement efficient debouncing in your components to optimize performance and reduce unnecessary re-renders.

3. useFetch

  • Description: Simplify asynchronous data fetching with the useFetch hook, providing a clean and concise interface for handling API requests.

4. useHistoryState

  • Description: Manage and synchronize state with browser history, enabling seamless navigation and state persistence.

5. useLocalStorage

  • Description: Easily interact with local storage in your React application, utilizing the useLocalStorage hook for convenient data storage.

6. useLockedScroll

  • Description: Control and manage scroll behavior in your application with the useLockedScroll hook, ensuring a smooth user experience.

7. useTabActive

  • Description: Track and respond to tab visibility changes with the useTabActive hook, enhancing user interactions in multi-tab environments.

8. useScreen

  • Description: Access and monitor screen-related information, allowing your components to adapt dynamically to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Integrate these hooks seamlessly into your React projects by referring to the comprehensive documentation provided for each hook. Boost your development workflow with Hooks Boost – where efficiency meets simplicity!